I have to add too, and this is part of the title, that we have a lot of new pets on the property. They love Logan and are quite drawn to him. He has given up much of his precious blood to them. Yes, the mosquitoes are out! I think we have killed about 10 of them! And they just keep on coming. But that was not the reason I wanted to blog. You all know how much I love my animals. I think I have my grandfather to thank for that. I used to bring stray cats home (who produced more and more cats) and I even rehabilitated a hurt pigeon on our balcony when I was really small. I'm sure my mom was really happy about that one. All my animals are very precious to me.
Squirrel!!!! Cat?!??!?!?! |
Now this dog that we have right now is quite a character. He is hilarious because he is just such a goof. His breeding is very mixed, some German Shorthaired Pointer (about 90%) mixed with Border Collie and perhaps some Lab or Pitbull. His Pointer is the most prominent character and he chases everything that smells interesting. When he goes on vacation to the farm the cats at my friends house also disappear until he has left. He is part of the reason why we bought ten acres; to go running around. So needless to say he has had a great time up there. He loves the smells and chipmunks have become more careful. It is quite funny when he goes after a chipmunk, they usually yell at him. But no harm has been done by them. I hope you can picture him, bounding happily after another animal to chase. It is quite amusing to watch. He is a smart dog and has to learn that there are some animals that are not chasable. He has had a squabble already with some not so cute animals. A month ago he was chasing what I thought to be a rabbit. Off he goes bounding after it when we hear this yelp. At first I thought he had snapped his leg by stepping on a log, or some such thing, but he came back licking his bleeding nose. Feisty rabbit!!! Several seconds after that we saw a cat sitting on the row, silhouetted against the sun. You can be sure the pain in his nose was forgotten and he wanted a word with it. We restrained him and as the cat turned to go its merry way, we noticed that it was not a normal looking cat. It was a fisher cat. He had squabbled with a ferocious animal and that animal had told him to beat it. That was a long time ago but I think Chet has avoided them since then. He was stung by bees just the other day and even ate one. No harm done. Next second he was off again.
Precious litte thing. |
We were coming home from our glorious shower/swimming on Thursday. It was dark and rainy and Chet was happy to be free as we opened the car door. We were walking back to the shed and he joined us. He was shaking his head and we all thought that he had an animal in his mouth. In the flashlight light it looked like he had grass sticking out of his mouth. Tom told him to drop it but he was just shaking his head. I heard Tom exclaim, " Oh no!" and drag the dog to the shed. There I saw that it was not grass. Chet had found our porcupine and it had found him. Natasha turned on the generator and Logan held the lamp and they both prayed as we plucked the quills from his mouth. He was really good about it, helping Tom to pull them out. I am happy to say that all the quills were removed. He was pretty chipper the next day and no marks were found on him. But I sure hope he learned his lesson.
Awwww |
Thank you for prayers for my mother. We talked today and she sounded chipper. She has developed an allergy from taking the medicine to cure the Shingles and she looks and feels aweful. We are sad they aren't coming right now but their plans are to come in November. I don't know why! The weather is certainly better now then it is then. But they can help us with snow removal. I hope you have a great day and week.