Good morning! |
5 more minutes, please. |
Logan and I were reading in Psalms 50 the other day and what struck me was that God does not want our sacrifices of good deeds or others. The most beautiful thing to God is our contrite heart, a heart that is turned toward Him and Him alone. He wants our thankfulness, our praises. My whole thinking has to be tuned toward Him in thankfulness, even when I don't want to get up in the morning.
Is it morning already? |
Before |
After |
My wonderful sister and her husband were up twice now and we had a great time with them. They came up just for the day the other day and we were so blessed with their company. The dogs got along no problem (Chet is not a gentledog!) and we played charades in the evening. The men took some measurements and discussed some projects that are upcoming while Eiki, Tasha and I hit the Antique stores. We had a good time doing it, and I was able to keep my sister from spending her paycheck on antique tin cans. I think George was very happy about that.
The most exciting news and scary at the same time, is that Natasha is now amongst the legal drivers (under parental supervision until she gets her license). She passed her permit test after lots and lots of studying and praying. This has been something she has looked forward to for at least a year. When we took her to get her permit in CT she did not pass for several reasons. Once, she didn't pass because she needed new glasses and then she just wasn't prepared. I also believe that she wasn't ready to drive and God said, No, my child. It is not your time yet. This time she was prepared. Once Tom and I had switched our licenses and Logan was registered to be home schooled here, we told her that she had a definite green light to get her permit. She studied her little heart out. She was able to study online and things made sense to her. In the meanwhile, she was driving on our ROW and helping with lifting up massive beams and such (if you recall the car has done a lot of work on the house too). She has been looking forward to this so much but she also realized that it was not hers to hold onto. The night before her test she was able to surrender the whole thing to Him, who knows anyway. While taking the test she prayed for every answer, with the knowledge that if she didn't pass, it would be all right. Praise God she did pass and has driven twice on normal roads. I am still alive!!! So, all you who are driving in the Springfield/Chester area: beware!!! She actually did really well on the road and the squirrels were able to make it across the road. Wait, what am I saying, squirrels are not around much right now. So no squirrels were harmed in her first drive around town.
I do love sitting in our what will be living room in our nice and fluffy chairs. Ahhh, a cup of tea in my hand and my bible on my lap that is how I try to start the day (notice try) looking out the window. Most mornings like that are interrupted by the dog needing his peanut butter and medicine (he actually looks forward to it and sits and waits for his "treat") and trying to get Logan out of bed and lately wrapping up in a nice warm blanket since it takes a while to get the house warm. In the evening we gather here as Tom reads the "Lord of the Rings" trilogy to us. This is also where the young folk sit and chuckle at the comics their grandfather sent them. It took them an hour to laugh their way through.
Since we put up the sub floor, we now are eating in what will later be our kitchen. It is a lot nicer than before and I actually have places to store my cups and plates (we are still doing the good china thing: paper plates and cups. Easy peasy clean up!! Open the door of the fire place and voila, clean up accomplished.). Logan does school here but lately Natasha has been disappearing into the basement. She likes to stay nice and toasty and will sit along the "bench" for hours doing her school. I can only stay about 15 minutes before I have to move further and further away.
I kind of marvel at the change from this year to last. This year Logan goes outside but he is mostly inside (cold, cold!!). Last year we had to go to the library for school or he sat in the car reading his books. I remember he was doing a lot of listening to CDs on tape and one very cold day he drained the battery of the Subaru. Thank God for neighbors. This year he has a mattress and can play his DS at night (the blue light usually shines at night upstairs as the three of them are using their DS's or tablets). He is so content here and when he does go outside he has a great time. The kids were having a great time at the middle of the property the other day. Sean and Logan were having a snowball fight while Tom was cutting some firewood. Then they decided to gang up on Natasha. She actually turned it around and stalked them and almost ambushed them. I thought that was hilarious.
Speaking of Sean, he just received his official notice from the state of Vermont (by the way, this is a total tangent but Vermont is so much easier to spell than Connecticut) and he can now start his business. It is a very official certificate and he was really excited to receive it last night. He is also in the process of switching his license (finally, I think he is afraid Tash is going to have hers before he gets his switched). He was just lacking some letters sent to the house but he all set now.
Tom is doing well. He has caught us up on firewood (very important right now) and was planning on getting the upstairs windows prepped and ready. Next week we are suppose to have warmer weather and hopefully we can get some of the windows it. It would be great. This is his third year home from Iraq and I have to say, that it is a real blessing having him around all the time. Oh, we have our moments of heated discussions, but all in all I love having him around. He is kind of fun to be with, except when we are doing school and he makes comments. Its like having that one kid in your class that has to clown around and then the rest follow. It takes awhile to get the class (Logan) back into order and on task (Hey, you wanna go and play your DS?).
We are looking forward to having the whole inside paneled and upstairs walls put up next, as well as the floors upstairs and downstairs done. Tom just contacted our friend who lumbered most of our wood and he is able to lumber some more wood for us. That will help a lot. The windows upstairs are ready to go in but we just haven't done them because it is cold and putting them in takes some time. I am looking forward to a concert in March. The kids and I get to go to a Casting Crowns concert here in VT and Tasha is praying that her friend Esther will come for that.
I hope all is well with you out there. I hope you still enjoy our little adventure, which has turned out to be not so little after all. I have to remind you to be careful what you pray for. God will use it to bring you closer to him, however He wants. I have learned, grown, gained weight, lost weight, added some more grey hair to my crown of wisdom, laughed and cried but I give all the glory and thanks to Him who knew me in my mother's womb.