Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Let it Snow, let it snow

Sean in his new "corner".
Or his new naughty chair.

Brotherly encouragement

For all those of you Treckies out there.  I was one once.  Not anymore but I just still get a kick out of Jean Luc Picard.  It is the bald head.  I stumbled upon this and I can't get enough of it.  Too funny.

By now everyone will know how much snow we have gotten up here in VT.  If you can believe it, this is a normal year for them.  It reminds me actually of our first year up here building our shed.  There was still a ton of snow in March when we started building it.  To tell you the truth, I love it.  I can't believe that I am saying this, but looking out there from the warmth of my living room, the heat pouring in through the vents, I love watching the pristine white covering.  Logan and the boys were having such a great time out there when it was coming down a lot.  The older two (and I include Tom as one of the boys) even went skiing when the snow was coming down pretty good.  The story goes like this:  Sean is missing skiing, a lot.  So when the snow was coming down he couldn't help himself.  He grabbed a backpack, his skis and boots (hence the backpack) and donned Logan's snow shoes.  He then told me to call his cell for dinner.  He needed to go ski in the powder.  So he started hiking up the mountain.  Ten minutes Tom got the urge to do something crazy, grabbed his father's old cross country skis and followed his oldest, up the mountain!  (Last time I skied cross country, a big mistake, uphill was totally unachievable for me.  I was ten)  Logan was going to follow his father but once he fell into the snow a couple of times, he was out of energy!  Mind you he really had to work to get himself out of the snow.

I had a similar experience shorty after, mind you another storm had showered its bounty on us by then.  By then all the snow from the roof had come crashing down, and I mean crashing down, and caused the snow outside our door to be just about as high as our front steps.  But we packed it down good.  One night I needed to go outside and didn't bring a flashlight.  Hey, the night before the moon was super bright.  But not that night!  It was pitch dark!  I stepped off the beaten path into waist high snow!  It took a lot of work to get out!  I was laughing all the way, but pretty cold after.

Tom ordering tickets to Germany
Tom is off this week and as a result we now have oak beautiful went covers.  And now he has a sinus infection.  Hehehehe, here I come with my home remedies!  He will not have that too long!  I digress again.  I don't know, maybe it is because I have to do ten things at the same time and can't focus on one thing anymore.  Anybody with answers out there?

So, I love Vermont.  I had a chance to take a drive this afternoon, and granted it was a beautiful day but this really is a beautiful state.  I am so glad we are here.  So that brings me to why I am writing.  I have been thinking a lot these days.  My prayers are more talking to God and sharing what is on my heart rather than presenting a list, nice and neat, and expecting with a count of three for the first three items on the list to be answered in 24 hours.  I really felt that it was not my position right now to be dictating to the Lord of the universe, call me crazy!  So here we are, almost 2 years in Vermont.  We are actually settled.  I was marveling at that the other day.  There is a peace again in our house.  There is not this crazy energy, this unsettled feeling.  Don't get me wrong, we are far from finished, but we are settled.  And now comes the craziest thing of all.  What happens when I get settled?  You guessed it, I need an adventure.  Last time, I prayed for one and got more than I expected.  This time I am thinking a little bit more in depth.  I don't know why I need an adventure, constant change in my live.  I know that when I am in the depth of craziness, of things falling apart around me, I dig my heels into Christ.  I cling and scrape my way back to the top.  But, that is not the way we are supposed to live.  It is in the little things we are supposed to live our live for Christ.  The fact that I am recognizing this, is a really good thing.  I can now share this with my Lord and He can show me another way, His way.  It is in the little things and the ordinary things we are living for Him.  I have such trouble with that.  I feel really bad, but I am not feeling Christ looking over my shoulder when I am scrubbing my pots and pans.  But that is really where He is.  He is right there beside me as I sweep my floor.  And he smiles when I sit down with Logan to teach him Christ's ways, and even math.  And it is in those every day things that I can find my security in Him, not in the adventure. 
Natasha digging for
the trash can.  She found it!
I hope you have a wonderful week.  In everything give glory to Him.

For all you Frozen fans this is totally hilarious.  Nichole sent it to me on facebook and I just can't help sharing it.  That is about what it has been like here in VT the last couple of weeks.  A quick update, Tom is back at work and feeling better.  This morning our neighbor tried to make it up his driveway and had to take four attempts, it was so icy.  Seriously have a good laugh at this one.  I keep having to watch it.