Hello again and I wish I could say happy spring, but I hesitate. I have every reason to hesitate. As you can see that was the temperature one morning (actually it was 41 but I had been struggling with the fire for about two hour at this time). So everyone is telling me that it is almost spring and I just can't seem to believe it. I have really good reasons. They are scientifically sound, and I can prove that spring is not on its way. We just had another six or ten inches of snow in the last forty-eight hours. This time the snow is so high that we don't have to step off the snow to make it up onto our little front porch. We can just step over. Our coolers are covered completely and now I am not sure I can reach any of our food in there because the snow is so high around them. As you can see I have plenty of evidence in terms of pictures. There is no way, none possible at all, that spring is actually real up here in the beautiful cold state of Vermont.
poor pup
When it was so cold in the house I ordered the kids to stay in bed for a while. This is what Logan told me. "I won't get up until it is 65 degrees." Usually people don't get up until it is certain time, but in our house it is degrees. Pretty funny, isn't it. And then there is the pup. Yes, he too has had enough of this winter. I had to cover him the other day again. He was shivering! Poor baby. So, you see there is no way that spring is real, not in my mind and not by what I can prove! Try to disprove that spring is not real up here. And yet....
Strawberry blossoms and fruit
I have a good idea in the deep down of my heart that spring is real and that it is only a matter of time that it will come around to us here up in the north. I mean the air does smell sweeter, it is a little warmer than it has been and the snow is melting. We, that is Tom, was playing with hydroponics . Tom wanted to see if plants could be grown in our basement during the winter. At first they didn't do anything. In fact only a
few of our plants popped up. But lately all the plants started growing like mad. Just yesterday I discovered that indeed we have strawberry blossoms coming up. I was so excited about that. So perhaps there is something about this spring thing anyway.
You got it, I am going to relate this to something spiritually. How often do we say that there is no way that a good God exists in this world and where is He anyway when so many bad things are happening around us? Who hasn't questioned the existence of God? I know I have. But I know that He exists. There is so much evidence that He does exist. There is spring, for instance. Everything is reborn, just like happens to us when we accept Him as our Lord and Savior. We are regenerated, turned into perfect creatures in His eyes. And then there is the fact that whenever I am going through something rough, He is right there with me, guiding me along, taking my hand and soothing my tears. My heart tells me, if I chose to listen to it, that God is real, because He has put a part of Himself into our hearts. And if I just take a moment to listen to that really, really, really quiet voice I may discover that He is indeed real and that He just needs to be given a chance to grow, just like our garden. We can't plant outside yet but as soon as that white stuff disappears, plants will go into our raised beds. So start gathering evidence that God exists. You will be amazed at what you missed!
So happy spring to everyone and open your heart to the possibilities of God, Who is out there.