Happy New Year everyone. It has been a long time since I last got to talk to you. I have missed you guys! We have been very, very busy. When I look at the pictures on my last blog, I am amazed at the progress. We are actually looking at a house, well almost.
Natasha standing outside the basement |
Chris and Doug putting up a post |
Logan and Chet |
Dad feeding the boys |
We were able to get some more things done before Christmas because the boys came up from CT and gave Tom a much needed hand since he only had one good one (remember big log falling on finger and crushing it, very painful and a long recovery and the chisel to the wrist also not very productive). They came on a balmy December Saturday morning ( I think the temp was in the 30s) and set to work. They had brought their tools and were ready for the day ahead. The stove was stoked and I was ready to make soup on the stove (it took 1 hour to get it to boil). The boys worked really well together and switched partners on and off. It was great to hear them laughing with each other and to see the work being done. The only problem was, the wood is not milled but rough and the boys with the more accurate work ethics had issues with that. It just didn't fit perfectly. No problem just measure twice and hammer in. It was really wonderful to see that my father in law had made the trip up too to check on what his boys were doing and to crack the whip, just in case. No whip cracking was needed but he set to work clearing the ice and snow off some of our pieces of lumber. I do believe that was a lot of work and I totally appreciate the help. Of course Logan was playing with his stick and had to keep the dog in line. Chet shivered his way through the day. Sean was playing hooky and was getting trained for his job up at Bromley. We were then able to close in the basement with sheets of 15 mm plastic, the same we used in the construction of our foundation. It sure made a difference because it kept the wind out. We tarped the first floor only to find out that the tarps all leaked! So the basement got wet anyway. Our stove does well with warming up the place and after we put the stove pipe in we were good to go. That was a hard task for Tasha because putting the pipes together was pretty hard. But there was a trick to it and once we found the trick we were good to go. Tasha learned a valuable lesson in perseverance.
We spent a wonderful Christmas in CT with Tom's family. It was great to see everyone together. Mom P had the whole place ready and the food was plentiful, as always. Tasha left on the 26th to spend time with her best friend in PA and we drove to the half way point and had lunch together. That was fun. The next day we drove back up to VT to work. We were so blessed to have such a nice family to stay with. It is a blast to come "home" to their house and be able to get to know them.
We worked quite a bit. The weather was pretty good allowing us to finish the posts and the beams on the first floor. Nobody was hurt this time around! Tom did very well and worked hard and long. I love our stove in the basement. New Years day started with us sliding down Lee and Heidi's driveway to pick up Tasha in NY (half way point). Tom didn't want to slip all over the deck of the house and fall to hurt himself so he went with me. That was a good thing because I would still be driving around in back woods New York. 6 hours later we arrived back at the Gustafson's safe and sound. The party that followed was a blast. There were plenty of young people and old (for us you know) alike. Games were played (Apples to Apples is now a tradition). I have to say that I missed seeing Doug and Nichole. We have been spending New Years with them for the last couple of years and have really enjoyed it. The last game was 4 on a couch which is a total concentration game and at 11:30 at night my brain just did not feel up to the task. It was a blast though. The new year was brought in with prayer, which was really great. We prayed for each other and the new year, for the church in general and safety.
The older kids and Logan went home on Sunday afternoon. They did help us tremendously that day by putting up some of the joists, half to be exact, for the second floor. That was great because the next day Tom and I had the pleasure of lifting the rest of them. It took all day to lift up 10 joists. They were heavy!!!!! My back hurt!!!!!! We used all sorts of supports and the ladder to get the heavy pieces up onto the center beam. At the end of the day, all I could do was to drag myself to the Gustafson's fireplace and just kind of melt there. The next day I refused to work! IT WAS COLD and I was pretty beat from the day before (the temp went up to a balmy 8 degrees). Tom was able to secure the joists on the main beam and the outside so that when he was hopping from one to the next he would have less chance of falling.
The kids and I are at home right now. With the weather so cold I wanted to be home to school and not have Logan in the car all day getting cold. Also the dog would have to be on his own again, with our neighbor watching him. He just can't come up while it is so cold.
My mother is doing all right. She contracted Mennengitis and has had memory loss with it. She was very sick over Christmas. I appreciate all the prayers that have gone out on her behalf. I guess God is not finished with her yet. We got word that she was really sick and on her way to the hospital before Christmas. For a couple of days it was pretty much touch and go. We were up in VT and I thank my sister for keeping me updated, since my cell phone does not make calls to Germany. We had a call from a real estate agent who was insistent on showing the house the next day. I was up in VT! Tom and I decided that I should go to CT and show the house. We would have to get up at 5 am and I would take them to the property and drive to CT, make the house presentable, and come back to VT. We didn't have an alarm, so we were hoping that Glen, one of the boys who gets up to go to work at 5, would be waking us up. So when we heard someone coming downstairs we figured it was time to get up. The house is really dark at night, you see, and I couldn't tell what time it was. Waking up the kids was a true challenge and it took some time to wake up Tasha. When we finally piled into the car we discovered that it was only 2 am. I droped the gang off at the shed and they presently went back to bed there. I spent the two and a half hours praying earnestly for my mother. I just knew that it was what God had in mind for me that morning. It was pretty funny, though. I am grateful she is getting better. She is now at a rehab place in Germany and is staying until mid-Feb. Prayers for strength for my dad would be appreciate, I'm sure.
And now to bring you up to date. Tom has put up the studs to the first floor. He also moved our roof rafters onto the second floor (no plummeting to his death) with help of the wonderful Subaru. Now the other piece of news. Sean was in an accident a few days ago and God be praised he walked away without a scratch. His truck was totaled, though. He hit the guard rail on the opposite side of the road coming home from Bromley one evening. No one was hurt (except his truck). But, you know, God provides all the time! It is amazing to see that. He was a little bummed, he has put a lot of time into his little truck, but was praising God to be alive. Our friend Ruthanne mentioned someone who was selling his Ford Ranger and voila, Sean has a new truck. He has been switching out parts of his old one to put into the new one (it will live on in the new Ranger). I have to say he has handled the whole situation very well. He is totally relying on Christ to supply what he needs. It has been great to watch him grow and deal with this situation. I am so thankful that the people he is staying with are so encouraging and wonderful. It sure takes off some of the stress this whole move and building is causing. Sean is enjoying his time with them a lot too. He is back at work and hopefully he is getting a lot of lessons. I know he will appreciate any prayers on his behalf.
I am sorry for the lack of new pictures. They are up in VT and on Tasha's camera. I was about to throw my printer and computer through the window today when I was trying to transfer some of her pictures to a memory stick to bring to the library to load up on this computer so you can enjoy them. So hopefully next time Tom will be home and he will be helping me with that so I can share more up to date pictures.
Have a safe week and hug your kids an extra amount. We have all been given an exact amount of time on this earth. I am praising God that Sean is alive now, and the next minute. As to what tomorrow brings, only God knows.