Hello again, my captive audience (this is followed by an evil and crazy laugh of a mad scientist, Logan does it really well, which leads me to wonder sometimes). I have some good news and some bad news. The good news first; people usually want it that way. I will continue to update you on our progress. The bad new, the following pictures are probably the last ones in a while. The camera given to us by my lovely sister about 10 years ago has decided that -3 degrees is way too cold to work and has developed lens issues. It sounds like a dead cow mooing (don't ask how that is possible, I have no idea, but that is not the point). Natasha's camera has come to a semi-demise because it was left out of the case and fell on the ground. The culprit has not been prosecuted. The view screen is busted. Tom does not want to use her camera up there right now. It can still take pictures and she is very good at doing that without seeing what she is taking. So until further notice there will be no more pictures. Just plain old me talking your eyes off!
The last couple of weeks have been challenging for me. I was so relieved when Sean was all right after the accident. God was right there protecting him, showing him who He was. It was beautiful and humbling and just great. It put me on a high for a while. Tom has been busy helping Sean with his truck, which right now takes priority. Sean needs a vehicle so Tom doesn't have to drive him everywhere. The weather is also turning mighty cold; Tom mentioned it was hard having to work in -8degrees! The work on the house has slowed down a little but the wood work is coming along so much faster than the basement. I know God is in our move. We have prayed about it many times, let it go numerous times and always the answer comes back positively. But He did not assure me that it will be a cake walk. In fact it will be extremely difficult! Why do it, you ask? Why not stay in your comfy home in Bristol where everything is at our fingertips and you have all the modern conveniences? Because God has given us this opportunity and I am sure there will be further blessings in this. People are probably thinking, why in the world are you going to be putting yourselves into this hardship willingly? There is hardship in everything we do. We are being put through trial and being tempered. This is just another trial for us. The kids and I have been studying recently on joy. God's word is quite clear as to when we are to be joyful. ALWAYS!! That means always! And no, it is not an all out,"Wahooo, let's have a party!!!" type joy. God's joy is that we have reassurance that He will bring us through trials not to harm us (although it may look like that) but to grow us into a more Godly person. Bring on the joy, man! I have to remind myself to be joyful. We are supposed to be blessed when we mourn! Wow, I have to remember that one too! It is amazing what happens when you let yourself be joyful, not happy mind you, but joyful with that gratitude and praise that I feel inside. God loves that. He wants that better than doing things for Him, which He still wants us to do.
All right, how does this fit into home building, you ponder and ask irritated. Get me pictures and none of this stuff. Well, I know for a fact that everyone of us is going through something or other right now. Some things may be easier dealt with than others but they are still irritating and frustrating. I wonder what would happen if all of us would just take a good look at our situation and be joyful. What a difference it would make in our lives! The stress would still be there but we would not be alone, dealing with the stress. God is right there beside us, willing us to be joyful. My attitude changes when I remember that.
The joists for the second floor are in place |
Tom in what will one day be our bathroom |
The back of the house with a view to the living room |
But enough of this. I have to reward you with the last pictures for now. As I said, things have slowed down. It was cold, snowy and windy the last week Tom was trying to do some work. We have had a few people interested in the house, which is good. I don't mind holding onto it until the right people show up. In time this also will happen. The three of us have been in CT for about 2 weeks. With Tom up north, we have been blessed to not have a car. Yes, blessed (remember joyful). I don't feel the need to run around and be out of the house. This makes schooling a lot of fun, actually. Also on Sundays Logan takes to the pulpit. It is so funny to see him preach. His style is different but he definitely has a lot of fun with it. He got to go out on Monday and spend the whole day with his friend. They went roller blading and he is going again this coming Monday, God willing. Tom and Sean left this morning for VT. Sean had work today, hopefully he got a lot of lessons and his truck needs to get into shape. I just heard from Tom and they made it fine. I didn't hear any frost in his voice so I take that as a good thing. I hope everyone is well. Enjoy and until next time.
My first comment since Anne has started this is as normal a bit lengthy: I find nothing but to be joyful in -12F weather especially wearing a metal thumb splint. I have a warm place to sleep and food and family. A friend of mine that was planning to commit suicide and carried a gun on him, because of an extremely harsh marriage had told me that his heart softened toward the idea when he read a quote; "I was angry at the pair of shoes I had, because they looked ugly; until I saw a boy with no feet." As I look around I realize that there is a God that created heaven and earth. A piece of art or a building still needs an artist or a builder to create them. A paint brush and canvas can't create itself. And we have a just God that is good. I was born in sin (separated from God). Not by my works can I be brought back to God for I could never be good enough (with my heart full of sinful desires and at enmity toward God). My good deeds do not out way my bad deeds for all my deeds come from a corrupted heart. A just God would not look at any good deeds I have done; for instance a just judge would not release a serial murderer even if he had done some good things in his past. He would get the just sentence. We are not judged for the good that we do, but for the sin. If we have not acknowledged Jesus as the Christ (savior) as the Messiah (God with us), then everything that comes from the heart is corrupt. For again we are not united with God through our own works (Ephesians 2:8-9). By God's grace He sent His only begotten son to pay for our separation from Him (we are unable to pay or fix this separation on our own because of our corrupt heart - for what right does darkness have for being in the light? - for God measures our hearts). Jesus died and was buried for three days and rose again to sit down at His Father to intercede for our sin. No one can come to God unless they are called by God otherwise again it would be our own works. But God brings us to a point where we have the power to either believe in the faith of Jesus Christ or choose to rely on ourselves. In our deprived state we don't know that we are already dead and that Christ is the light and the way and the life. There is not one sinner that is worse than another for all have sinned. As far as wickedness, I was exceedingly wicked. Who am I that my Creator would choose me as He calls everyone (Luke 2:10)? We are told to sin no more (1 John 2:1-3, 3:15-18), but to be careful since sin easily entangles (and to let no man deceive you - that includes our own-self). There are sinful acts which come out of a sinful heart and there is sin (the original sin -separation from God). Who am I for God to care for all people as such - to offer His Begotten Son, to take all of our sins upon Him and to cleanse us of our sin.
House looks amazing!!! You, my dear, are an inspiration...not so much because of the house, but because of your perseverance, faith and joy!