Thursday, November 10, 2011

Just one more thing

Hello all and welcome again.  I really don't have much to report this week.  It has been a pretty standard week.  Oh no wait, we still have no phone!!!  I finally called the company and there is a problem with our line.  They are sending someone out to check it out.  Hopefully I will have a home phone again soon.   I have been relying on my cell phone for a while and it is getting a little expensive.  I keep running out of minutes.I wanted to share some more pictures I came across.  These are all going to be updated really soon because we are beyond them but I thought you might enjoy them.  Tom and Sean are up in VT right now and I am going up this weekend with the Logan to whip Tom into shape.  We all know that nothing gets done when I am not around.  Right now they are still back filling on the north side with is a little tricky.  Tom is pouring the posts for the porch and Sean is on the tractor.  He almost ran over his father earlier on.  I guess he was a little distracted.   DON'T DRIVE THE TRACTOR AND TEXT!!!!! (There should be a law against that)   Sean is coming home on Saturday and staying here with Natasha.  Enjoy these pictures courtesy of Natasha.

Please ignore the grey hair.

Our cement mixer, Sean.  Runs on air!

I told you I was loving being up on the ladder

Yes, I am the tallest, for now


A foggy picture of Logan

Self picture

All snug and cozy.  Who needs a bed?

How cute

Adding the final touches to the cement

A boy and his dog

At the top of the neighbor's  

The Connecticut River

First Baptist Church of Chester steple

Cleaning up the leaves with new friend Kelly

Tom climbing up the look out tower

Okemo Valley

Chet is all right with going up but not down

I think I will stay on the ground, thank you very much!

Logan having fun on the mountain

What can I say?
What is up with them anyway?

The blue smurf!  All that blue is going
 to be covered with dirt.

The beam that hit Tom's finger was bigger!

Sean having a blast with the truck! 
This was before he wanted to push it down the ravine.

These are pictures of the day we got out power back, again thanks Tasha for these.

Yes that is Tom in the tree.  What can I say,
 but that he has found his true occupation.


That would not be a job for me

Good thing the power is not on

I hope you have enjoyed these pictures.  I am looking forward to a nice visit with my parents coming up over Thanksgiving.  Also, Sean is turning 21.  I can't believe that at all.  It seems like yesterday..........

I hope everyone has a wonderful holiday.   Bless God and give thanks.

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